Welcome returning members and new officials to the Collegiate Swimming Officials Association (CSOA) and the 2024-25 Season

Hello everyone!  Hard to believe another new season is nearly upon us!  I hope everyone is enjoying the hot summer so far.  I wanted to reach out to membership and provide some updates.


  1. Officials who were certified last year DO NOT NEED TO TAKE THE NCAA EXAM THIS SEASON.  You need only register with CSOA once your current membership expires and a certificate will be sent to you via email!   If you are a new official, you’ll need to register with the USS site and take the NCAA officials exam.  If you are a USS official, you need only take the supplemental test.  A copy of your results should be sent to me at brday2900@gmail.com.
  2. We are planning on additional informational articles this fall, but please go to the Learning Center tab and check out Gary’s articles on officiating mechanics.  Two great articles are there; one on how to “paint a picture” when explaining a disqualification and how to most effectively officiate the backstroke to breaststroke turn in the individual medley.  These are really insightful articles.


Pass the word about CSOA!  We want more members!


Let me know if you have any questions!


Brian Day

President, CSOA